Keep the Fire Burning,
Measure Analytics, Adjust Strategy.

You’ve done a great job for your company, take a moment to enjoy your success, but not for too long… We need to keep fueling the flame.

As the Keeper of the Flame, we will make sure to show you our successes with analytics reports tailored to your level of interest.  We are passionate about data, demographics and what key performance indicators you assign us to move.

We also freely admit that the true impact of marketing cannot be measured without working with your team to implement surveys, monitoring sales goals with your team, and working with customer support department to determine where leads are truly generated.  We are partners in your success.

Bask in the Warmth of your Success,
Measure Analytics, Adjust Strategy.

You’ve done a great job for your company, take a moment to enjoy your success, but not for too long… We need to keep fueling the flame.

As the Keeper of the Flame, we will make sure to show you our successes with analytics reports tailored to your level of interest.  We are passionate about data, demographics and what key performance indicators you assign us to move.

We also freely admit that the true impact of marketing cannot be measured without working with your team to implement surveys, monitoring sales goals with your team, and working with customer support department to determine where leads are truly generated.  We are partners in your success.

Andrew Tate

Owner, Keeper of the Flame
Marketing Consultant
MultiMedia Polymath
Client Relations

Jill Yoder-Tate

Owner, Keeper of the Trade
Restaurant & Hospitality Consultant
Content Strategist
Customer Service

Let’s brainstorm over a brew.

Coffee, tea… or perhaps something more inspiring.

We understand immediacy!

We are ready to serve you in your time in need.